Ink flow is in higher side
Adjust flow to minimize misting
Ink tack is too low
To consult ink manufacturer for next steps
Ink/Water setting is out of balance
Print with minimum water & ink, excess ink/water may create more misting
The Press Room has low humidity
Increase the humidity ( Standard 55% RH)
The Roller train is too hot
Maintain roller temperature within 35 (Max) Deg Cent.
The Rollers are worn or improperly set
To change the worn out rollers with new one and also check the roller settings.
Too much ink is being carried in an effort to achieve the desireddestiny
Substitute a stronger ink and run a thinner ink film on rollers.
Utilization of press is maximum (more than optimum)
Product planning according to Machine out put.
For more information, please contact us.