Air hitting plates or anilox roll is excessive
Block stray air, balance dryers to eliminame blown down on plates
Dust or ink is picked up from substrate
Check to be sure ink filters are working, filter in to get rid of substrate
Impression between plate and substrate is excessive
Reset plate pressure to 'kiss' impression
Ink formula out-of-balance, affects film splitting I transfer
Check solvent blends for Alcohol | Ester balance. For clean printing, the resin structures must have the correct solvents.
Ink is drying too fast
Check ink formulation, add slower drying solvents
Ink viscosities uncontrolled. Wring viscosity cups(out of range) for viscosities run. Cups need cleaning and calibrating
Record and control press side viscosities. Check cups for accuracy and selection.
For more information, please contact us.